Smart Solar Seed Dryer Using Arduino


  • Amogh Jaronde Student,Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, India
  • Pulkit Gaikee Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, India
  • Prasad Deo Student,Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, India
  • Radhika Deshmukh Student,Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, India
  • Shubham Changal Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, India
  • Vaishnavi Sushir Student,Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, India


Arduino UNO, solar panel, conveyor belt, and relay module.


This research paper showcasing the formulation and evolution of an astute solar dehydrator utilizing Arduino overseer for the dehydration of agricultural goods. Utilizing solar energy as a crucial source of energy, the structure is both environmentally friendly and economically viable. An Arduino supervisor is utilized to automate the dehydration process, guaranteeing steady and ideal drying conditions. The dehydration mechanism is monitored and controlled by temperature and moisture sensors, ensuring that the products are dried to the highest possible quality. The outcomes of the scrutiny evince that the astute solar dehydrator utilizing Arduino overseer is a proficient and potent resolution for the dehydration of agricultural goods, supplying top-notch drying while reducing labour expenses and enhancing productivity. The structure presents numerous pluses over traditional dehydration methodologies, positioning it as a propitious resolution for dehydrating miscellaneous goods.
The evaporation of moisture from food grains during drying is a crucial task for farmers in storing their harvest. Drying grains is essential for long-term storage, as most harvested grains contain high moisture levels unsuitable for warehousing. India, with abundant solar resources, offers a potential solution for this process. However, traditional methods are timeconsuming, require extensive space, and demand significant labor. To overcome these challenges, we propose a "solarpowered grain dryer" system that efficiently removes moisture from grains in less time, facilitating better grain storage.




How to Cite

Amogh Jaronde, Pulkit Gaikee, Prasad Deo, Radhika Deshmukh, Shubham Changal, & Vaishnavi Sushir. (2024). Smart Solar Seed Dryer Using Arduino . SSGM Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(1), 41–44. Retrieved from


