Editorial Team
1. Dr. Avtar Singh
Department of ECE , Adama Science and technology university, ADAMA, Ethiopia
2. Dr. Chandan Kumar Pandey
320-E, APJ Abdul Kalam Block (AB-2),School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE),VIT-AP University, Amaravathi, AP-522 237, India.
3. Dr. Arvind R. Bhagat Patil
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering (YCCE), Nagpur arbhagatpatil@gmail.com 4. Dr. Varsha Patil Matoshri College Of Engineering & Research Centre, Eklhare, Nashik varsha.patil@matoshri.edu.in 5. Dr. Jayant G. Joshi Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Nashik, (M.S.), India.